To My Girls with Love, A Mother's Oath
I had spent some time crafting my thoughts and experiences about being a working mom, sharing funny moments that other parents would read, relate and have a moment…
A Bi-Pride Bucket Hat, Yes Please!
With June comes the beginning of Pride month and an endless onslaught of corporations tacking on a rainbow to their logos, merchandise, and advertising. Admittedly, these things do…
Why Knowing Holidays is Important as a Therapist
Many of the spaces we exist in don’t always give us the room to honor all aspects of ourselves. It could be at school where we may not have time to involve ourselves in…
You paid $50 for what?!
Imagine you’ve just finished some light grocery shopping at, oh, I don’t know, Trader Joe’s. You’re moseying on to the register, daydreaming about getting home to light…